Artist and Animator who loves video games - She/Her - Business: laura.kerger@studiofxb.com

Laura Kerger @ArtistGamerGal

Age 35, Female

Wannabe GameDev


Joined on 7/3/06

Exp Points:
1,838 / 1,880
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5.55 votes
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B/P Bonus:
7y 11m



Wow dude! That'd be so awesome to work with you, I love your stuff! I sent you a PM with more details :)

I would be interested in doing it, want me to give you a sample or want to talk it over Msn/AIM?

You can always email examples of your acting or link them here- anyway is fine!

I am very interested in doing voices for this project. I am actually doing voices for a movie entitled "Star Wars: Megaplex 30" and I also have voice acted in flash movies in the past. Check your e-mail. I just recorded some lined for you.

Got it! Thanks dude! :D

lol! That's great! I'll PM you more details! :D

<a href="http://giantjuicykickballs.newgrounds.com/audio/">http://giantjuicykickballs.newgrounds .com/audio/</a>

just to let you know, I live in the same state...that sounded creepy.

Wow dude! Great demos! Very professional. I'll send you a PM with more details!

Blaaaarg...my "little boy" voice sounds too much like Ash from Pokemon. ><

Wow your demo reels are great! But since I need a male voice for this role I can't use your talents :(

But I would totally consider you for a future project! Thanks for posting!

although I am not a professional voice actor, I have several awards for speech related things

I have gone to finals in several theater tournaments, particularly Public Forum Debate

normally I wouldn't comment but my intense love for all things Zelda related compelled me to do so

I can understand if you would prefer someone with a larger portfolio and professional experience but you would be forced to pay them

my general voice level is sub bass to bass, if you are preferring a particular octave

I can read music, and I have some formal voice training (high school theater)

I have access to equipment but have never recorded anything for voice acting, but its something I have thought about doing, but people have never had the need for a deep voice

although I don't expect monetary reimbursement, I do expect some sort of "reward" but that is highly negotiable

I think you will have a very hard time finding quality voice actors that will work for free

quality voice actors exist, but not for free


PM your response


Interesting preview haha.

I'd offer voices since I haven't done them in a while.. But my microphone is dead ):

Aww, okay. Well thanks for the feedback :)

I'm interested! I can't watch the video clip because I'm at work right now so I don't know if my voice matches your style (so I'll have to check it out later) but I'm willing to give it a go!

Cool! Go ahead and send me a demo when you get the chance if you're interested! Email me or post a link here- either way is fine :)

*oh scratch that- checked ur page and saw the demo-
I'll go ahead and PM you some details!

this sounds pretty amazing! i'd love to do a voice for this stuff :) I range from very high to very low to very crazy to very movie trailer like shit xD

wow great demo! ill PM you some more details :)


It will take me at least a few days, hopefully less then a week audition everyone. Remember, I need a demo to audition you! PM, email, or post any questions!

If you want to you can listen to my demo reel that I made on my profile for the voice acting job, though I doubt that I'm going to get the job. But hey, it's worth the try anyway. So just click my username, go on my profile and find Demo Reel for Zelda. I have a good score on it, but I haven't gotten any parts for any flash at all. Please pm me back about the voice acting gig. I don't mind if I wasn't even close for this job, as long as you don't write very bad comments about it.

You actually have a very "Young Link" voice in your demo reels! :D
I'll PM you with more details!

Would love to work with you sometime, I've enjoyed your work for quite a while. Here's my somewhat outdated demo. If I finish my new one anytime soon, I'll link you to it as well.

<a href="http://www.devenmack.com/vastuff/DevenMack_characterdemo_2008.mp3">http://www.devenmack.com/vastuff/Deve nMack_characterdemo_2008.mp3</a>

OMG! That was really awesome! God I'm so impressed by how many talented people are responding! I'll PM you more details :D

I am so down for this. I don't have a demo just yet, but I can get one really soon!

Get me one as soon as you can! Email, PM, or comment here again when you have it :o

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/254116">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/254116</a>

Here is a sample of some of the voices I can do and they're not all :)

I can also try different accents and intonations, whatever you need, just drop me a PM if you think I'm worthy :)

Great work! I'll PM you some details :)

Me Me Me! pls lol


<a href="http://www.truploader.com/view/690792">http://www.truploader.com/view/690792 </a>
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/269778">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/269778</a>

I know they aren't clear, but i just got a new mic so now i should be clear i think.

Great work- only complaint is that I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying in some of these because of the mic! Although your range of voices is really good!

I would totally do this and I totally CAN do this if I do well on fin als next week. If I do well I can do them over winter break

Thanks dude! Loved your reel! I'll PM you more details! :)

I would love to give it a shot! Here is some of my work. <a href="http://fornoreason.newgrounds.com/news/post/336514">http://fornoreason.newgrounds.com/new s/post/336514</a>

I listened to a few of your demos but didnt really hear a large range of voices. The voices I did hear seemed a bit low. If you want to send me something that shows otherwise please do! Thanks for your interest!

i want voicing.
but i have noc chance agains hotdemon eddache & diamond-armada (;c

Oh don't let other people intimidate you! Everyone has a fair shot. I looked under your audio and only saw music so if you upload a demo or if you want to email me one I can still audition you!

i love voice acting and can pull off Link's HYYAAAAARGHs

but idk. gimme some lines and i'll give it a shot!

Love your voice! (and your art too!) But I do want him to have an American accent. If you can pull that off then I will totally audition you!

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