Artist and Animator who loves video games - She/Her - Business: laura.kerger@studiofxb.com

Laura Kerger @ArtistGamerGal

Age 35, Female

Wannabe GameDev


Joined on 7/3/06

Exp Points:
1,838 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.55 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
7y 11m

ArtistGamerGal's News

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - October 8th, 2014

Dear Newgrounds,

I miss you! It's been so long. You Tube took me away from you- I was a fool! I want to come back to you! I owe you so much... You inspired and even helped teach me how to be an animator and I am grateful. That's my full time job now if you can believe that!

We really need to catch up. I promise I'll send you a cartoon soon. I have so many I've made since we last talked! It will take me awhile to catch up, but I'll get them to you soon... if you'll have me?


Much love,



Posted by ArtistGamerGal - May 15th, 2012

Hiya Newgrounds!

Just wanted to let you know I've posted the first episode of Zelda Uncut to the portal today! I hope you guys like it! Check it out here:

Zelda Uncut: Childhood

I have plenty more cartoons on the way and am trying to get them out monthly, so I hope you guys will check them out! If you want to see more of my stuff, please checkout/ subscribe to my Youtube! :D

ArtistGamerGal's Youtube page!

Thanks for all the support from everyone who's been willing to help out with my cartoons! If you guys have ideas for episodes of AGG Toons or Zelda Uncut, I'd love to hear them. Just send me a PM!

-Laura aka AGG

Zelda Uncut: Childhood OUT NOW!

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - December 8th, 2011

Hi Newgrounds!

It's been awhile since I've made a new post since I started spending so much time building my Youtube account the past year, but I'm happy to say I'm finally back to submitting my cartoons here!

I just released a preview of a new series I'm working on- "Zelda Uncut" to the portal! I hope you guys will check it out here:

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/vi ew/585322

Let me know what you think or if you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the show! We have four episodes lined up for this series as well as four more for the AGG Toons series, so I hope you guys will check them out once they're finally released!

In other news- I'm looking for someone to create a song for an original animation I'm working on for my portfolio. The animation will be done in about a week, so the job would start then. I'm looking for someone with experiance, and I'm willing to pay $30. So if you have some skills with creating original songs and are interested in working together, please PM me! The video will be posted to my Newgrounds and Youtube account once I have the original track, so please look out for it!

Thanks everyone!

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - December 6th, 2010

Hi Newgrounds!

It's been awhile since I submitted anything and I'm glad I finally got around to finishing Zelda- Link and the Pig! It's in the portal right now so please check it out and let me know what you think! It was a project that was nearly finished last year but took a back seat to some other projects and I hadn't really gotten the chance to finish it until recently.

It was a lot of fun to animate and I've always been inspired creatively by the Zelda games so it was a labor of love for the most part. I really hope you guys enjoy it. I actually started this cartoon before "Life with Navi" which I made for a collab on YouTube last year. But soon after that project I was asked to do the Zelda segment for NiN10Doh! 64. I'm pretty "Zelda-ed out" after all this, but each project was fun and helped me practice so I think it was worth it.

I'll be working on a new holiday animation over break, but I have finals the next couple weeks so I may not be able to touch that project for a little while. The hope is to get it ready for Christmas but it's going to be a huge crunch if I pull it off.

So check out my new animation! I hope to update and have more new stuff soon!

<3 Laura

Zelda- Link and the Pig! and other news...

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - June 28th, 2010

Hiya Newgrounds!

I haven't really been active online for months and months now because I've been busy with school and a lot of other stuff... but now that school's out it's much easier to get some stuff done!

First off, I have a new flash in the portal today "Come Back to Me" which (as it says in the description) was made for a special friend back in October. I don't really consider it that great, but a flash is a flash so I figured I should upload it anyway. So hope I hope you guys enjoy that!

I've also spent the past month completely remaking my website!
Please check it out and let me know what you guys think! I'm in the process of applying for a really cool internship and wanted everything up to speed for that, so hopefully it all works out.

Anyway, I have some other flashes on the way, including the much procrastinated on "Link and the Pig" a Wind Waker Zelda parody that I started almost a year ago! Hopefully I can wrap that up in the next month or so...

So I hope you guys will be seeing more of me real soon, and lots of new content! Thanks NG!

Much Love,
Laura (ArtistGamerGal)

Website update! "Come Back to Me" and more!

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - December 11th, 2009

Hi again Newgrounds!

After a week of hearing everyone's demos and listening to a lot of try outs I've finally chosen the voice actor for my new Zelda parody cartoon! (Drum roll please...)

Casey Mongillo! (CaseyTheVA)

He has played many voice acting roles in flashes before and has also done some professional voice acting in video games and cartoons! I really hope everyone enjoys his work as much as I do when the cartoon finally comes out! Check out Casey's website and his (brand new) NG page here:

Casey's Website!
Casey's New NG page!

I do want to extend a special thanks to everyone who auditioned and tried out for this role. It was a really tough decision to make! I know I will be contacting a lot of you in the future for other roles if I need them! Thanks again Newgrounds! It's good to know that I can count on this community for help when I need it! Hopefully I'll be posting my new cartoon for all of you really soon!

Much love! <3
-Laura (Artistgamergal)

(here's the first 10 seconds the cartoon with my OLD voice actor, not the new one :p)

/* */

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - August 17th, 2009

Hey there Newgrounds!

Just submitted "Life with Navi" a new Zelda short I finished for a collab on youtube to the portal. It's funny because I was actually working on my own Zelda parody when someone online asked me to join this collab and work on this one. Since it was only a 20 second animation I went ahead and finished it first but I'm still working on my original Zelda cartoon "Link and the Pig" which I hope to finish around the end of summer.

I did a post about "Link and the Pig" a few weeks ago but I'll go ahead and stick the short preview I have of it on here again just because it's better to have something for you kids to look at rather then just read my boring words. Anyways, "Link and the Pig" has a runtime of about 2 minutes so look for it! Oh and I hope you guys like my new short "Life with Navi."

Oh and yeah, I like Zelda-
Just in case you're wondering :3

/* */

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - July 25th, 2009

Okay so everytime I login to NG and look at my account I notice that all of my submissions go down in score evenly for every day that goes by. Like .01 everyday, all at the same rate. So wtf? Is someone giving zeros to all my submissions everyday for shits and giggles or what?

I honestly don't care that much about the scores since a lot of the stuff I have up at the moment is either hella old or not really my best work so I don't really care if the score is low. I'm just weirded out that it's happening. I mean do people do this? Is this guy seriously planning on rating zero everday until my shit is blammed or something?

I mean my shit's not that mind blowingly controversal that someone would seriously dedicate at least a few minutes out of every single day rating my shit with zeros. Talk about no life. The reason I'm convinced that it's one guy is because it's every submission at the same rate everday. If it was just a natural downward progression they wouldn't all go down everday at the same rate.

So whoever you are:
My shit is not worth your time. To be honest I'm flattered that my crap had such a profound effect that you would do this but seriously- each time I notice this I just laugh.

On a totally different subject...

I'm working on a new flash! It's a Zelda parody video and should be out around the end of summer... hopefully. Look out for it if you like Zelda! -Check out what I got so far below (sorry it's so compressed and short... and for the rough stuff at the end...)- Total runtime will be about 2 min when it's done. Thanks everybody!

/* */

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - May 17th, 2009

Hey everybody! I got a few requests to make some Asaroki desktops so I went ahead and slapped some together. Please check 'em out at the links below and let me know what you think :D
It's a gift to everyone who enjoys the series! Thanks for all your support and helpful feedback!

Desktop 1

Desktop 2

PS. New Asaroki episode coming very soon!

Asaroki Desktops!

Posted by ArtistGamerGal - July 28th, 2008

An interesting Photoshop drawing I did of my main characters Rain and Keta.
I was listening to 'The Cherry Poppin Daddies' too much when I made this :p
